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78 Industrielle, Stanstead (Quebec) Canada, J0B 3E0

Tel. : 1-888-519-GATE (4283)


Standard limited warranties offered by MasterGatePlus Inc. (MANUFACTURER).


For all swing gates & sliding gates:


1. A five (5) year warranty on manufacturing default such as the cement structure, the gates and hardware which would limit or stop the good functioning of the gates itself. For wooden gates, a minimal maintenance is required every year with a door treatment for wood. An evident lack of good maintenance will cancel this warranty.


2. A two (2) year warranty on the gate operators and control board parts which covers manufacturing default.  Batteries are not covered by the warranty.


3. In the case where the CLIENT would add or modify the gates by adding cameras, intercom or any electrical or electronic parts, modify the pillars by adding stone or any materials, the MANUFACTURER is not responsible for any damage or problem caused by such changes.


4. MANUFACTURER will pay for defective parts that fall under these warranties and CLIENT will be responsible for any labour cost if needed to replace these parts.  


MANUFACTURER is not responsible for any damage on the structure of the gates or electrical parts caused by a major force (an unexpected event), such as, and without being too exhaustive, extreme weather conditions (wind, snow, ice, thunderstorm…), accident or vandalism. Such events would void all warranties. MANUFACTURER is not responsible for any damage or harm that could potentially be caused by moving gates or any part of the product to someone or any object. No returns will be accepted once the products have been installed. The legal warranty starts at the date of the installation.


Last updated May 30th, 2014.

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